Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Morning



Our mornings start with Jeremy rolling out of bed around 6AM. He gets the oatmeal on the stove and the French press going. About twenty minutes later I stumble into the kitchen just in time to divide and prep our oatmeal with cinnamon, almond butter and just a dash of maple syrup.

We settle into the kitchen nook with our breakfast. The cats join us on the table. It's kind of gross to let animals on the table while you're eating but we don't mind. We're family. We quietly browse our RSS feeds. I read what you guys are up to while Jeremy giggles over the latest Fail Blogs. Sometimes I daze with my puffy, not-quite-awake, eyeballs out the window. I look at Orange Cat being attacked by a mocking bird - Dinahsaur sees it too. I stare at the mysterious daubs of mud on the window screen as everything in the background goes out of focus. I'm fascinated by the fact that the lens of my eyeballs work just like that of a camera - I shift my focus from the foreground to the background over and over again until I land on my neighbor across the street. I wonder what she's thinking about as she makes her breath visible with a cigarette on her porch. I wonder if she can see me staring at her from my nook or if it's already bright enough outside that my windows appear black. I try to recall the dream I had last night but am only left with a snapshot of my dad wearing a plaid suit with flip flops and a fading feeling of what it was all about.

That's when Mister Scooty Boots hears his signal - which is Jeremy's spoon clanking against an almost empty bowl as he scrapes the last bits of oatmeal off from around the edges - Boots crawls into Jeremy's lap for one last cuddle before the beginning of a new day.

1 comment:

  1. Your imagery and syntax are superb. I really like this post a lot.

    We also let our cats sit on the table when we have breakfast...even if it is kind of gross.
