Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 6: Planning Our Next Move







Day6E copy

Day6A copy



Vienna was a game changer. This city seems to place equal amounts of value on art and functionality which is clearly illustrated when you're taking a ride on the seamlessly efficient public transportation with casual views of some of the most breathtaking architecture in the world passing by like its no big deal. Everyone seemed stylish, progressive and happy.

On Day 6 Jeremy and I rode rented bikes all over Vienna - from one side to the other and back again. Over cappuccinos for breakfast, desserts for lunch and wine for dessert we started a conversation that hasn't stopped since. A conversation about our next move. A conversation about doing the right thing. Exploring ideas to make the world a more beautiful and functional place. A conversation full of intention, purpose and plans for action. A conversation about putting our money where our mouth is. About how to make a world that looks and feels a little more like ... Vienna. 

All of this big dreaming was followed by a conversation about where we'd go next - as in, the very next day. I fully expected to be buying train tickets to Prague - but my gut led us to Budapest.


  1. i love how you edited this post!

  2. These are such STUNNING photos and editing!

  3. Europe just makes me want more Europe.

    It's like chocolate, but healthier for me, I think.

    Did you get to Prague?!? ... The suspense is KILLING me.

  4. Abi - Thanks! I had fun with it.

    How2Home - Thank you!

    Dave - No... we didn't get to Prague! I really wanted to go if only because I know how much you and Mel love it. We went to Budapest instead. Maybe I'll save Prague for when I come visit you and Mel there. ;)

  5. Jeremy is doing his best Rick Steves.


  6. This has intensified my travel fever. I've been looking into Nicaragua (Leon, Jinotepe, Granada). Of course going back to Euro would be the jam, but I feel like I'd have to save forever. In college I just said "put it on my tab..."

    Way to make it happen! Not that travel is a new idea to you, but it's cool you make that a priority. I respect that.

  7. I love this set of photos. I feel like I'm finding my way around Vienna too. I wish I was for real, haha!
