Monday, May 20, 2013



I started practicing Ashtanga yoga when I was 15 years old. This was before Lululemon was around, before you could find yoga mats at Target, and just before Madonna had made yoga trendy. I hadn't quite hit puberty and was rocking hemp necklaces with shells braided into them. I practiced with my teacher Andrew (who took the photo above) on a grimy green carpet in a tiny studio in Norman next to a pasta shop. With a background in gymnastics it was fascinating to see just how bendy I could make my body.

At around 20 years old I fell out of my practice. I was broke, busy, and none of my punk rock friends practiced yoga. After I graduated college I tried picking up an awkward class or two at the local YMCA and that's when I learned that not all yoga is created (or taught) equal. Late last summer – and a whole decade later – I eased back into my practice by exploring different studios and styles – from restorative yin to Ashtanga to hot Bikram-style to prana flow. I've been practicing almost daily and have been regretting ever falling out of my yoga practice. But what I've learned is that I needed a decade to build some strength and spirituality that has nothing to do with how far I can get my leg behind my head. I've learned that yoga is about connecting my spirit to my body with breath. Yoga is a moving meditation that can happen while I'm practicing asana or even on a spin bike. It's about brining intention to my practice and my life – on and off the mat.

Do you practice yoga? I'd love to hear your experience with it. 


  1. I got out of yoga after I had my son but I thoroughly enjoyed it while I was pregnant. I was hoping it would help with childbirth but that went out the window when we had to have a c-section. I need to get back into it. I miss it.

  2. look at you! That is such a great photo! And all of this message is great too.

    I have only ever done yoga once, and I wouldn't really call it traditional yoga as it was P90X Yoga X. I enjoyed it though. You did it once a week to give your body a break from the beating of the program, but you still got a great workout. I always remember finishing feeling SO at peace, and proud of my progress. I'd love to take a real yoga class, not sure what I'd like to try first but I noticed I felt much more aware of my body for the rest of the week after my one class. I think it really does get you in tune with yourself.

  3. I think everyone in my grade had a hemp necklace with shells on it. Pacific Sunwear, baby!

    I do some Yoga as a way to stretch and cool down after a workout. I'm not as OG "I did yoga before it was cool" as you are, but I do like to tell people I did (and then promptly stopped) pilates before it was cool.

  4. I got into yoga lightly about 2 years ago. I have practiced off and on. Mostly failing at consistency because as a student I cannot afford classes, so I practice basic not-so-strenuous exercises at home, or go to the occasional campus-rec class when it fits in my schedule. I can definitely say that even though my typical workout isn't extremely strenuous, and rarely last longer than 30-40 minuts, I feel physically healthier, and much more confident. I stand up straighter, am better at focusing, and strenuous exercise come easier to me.

    I recently got hired at a full time job, and yoga classes are one of the first things I will be budgeting for myself.

    You mentioned trying several types of classes. Did you ever settle on a particular preference, or was it back to Ashtanga for you?

  5. I loved seeing this post! It's not very often you come across bloggers writing about their yoga experience. I've been practicing Bikram for 4+ years and have practiced Vinyasa as well. But Bikram is the only form of exercise I've ever been able to stick with consistently and I've seen so many changes since I began my practice (physically, mentally, emotionally), so I consider myself a Bikram yogi for life! Thank you for including that last line - yoga is truly all about intention, and how you practice on your mat reflects how you move in life! I've actually been wanting to try Ashtanga so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

  6. Almost 5 month into it and I can't bealive how much it has rooted in my life!

    I only practice 2 times a week because that's what I have super easy access to, but I think about what yoga means for me almost on a daily basis and I totally agree with you, yoga it's an attitude, an intention, a profound conection with yourself, a release, so much more than just bending your body while on the mat...

    I'm really looking forward to see what will yoga bring to my life in the future because I'm already impresed

  7. I practiced yoga in high school at the Y where my mom worked, and my teacher there was fantastic- she taught what I consider "power yoga." It always had a good flow, was very challenging, as my instructor had a penchant for extreme sports, and she was obviously very knowledgeable. Her guided relaxations in Sevasana (sp?) still echo in my brain when I'm relaxing. Eventually she moved on to better and brighter things, though, and I stopped practicing

    These days, I'm finally getting back in the habit of regular yoga classes, though at this point, a successful week is when I make it to one class. But I'm happy that I've found my absolute favorite teacher (at the Y! Though she also teaches at another studio). She teaches a flow-based class, which is physically challenging, and always offers modifications to make it easier or harder. She is also very knowledgable about Ayurvedic healing, so infuses the class with more spiritual, energetic wisdom, too. You're right, Kathleen, that the teacher makes all the difference.

    I've recently decided that I'm going to pursue yoga instructor training in the fall. This means adding a part-time job this summer so I can save up, but this decision just feels so right- deep in my gut. My interest in holistic healing continually increases, and currently is timed with some spiritual examining as well. Yoga just fits the bill for all of my personal and physical fitness goals.

  8. I am the opposite of flexible, so I always steered clear of yoga, even when my family and friends were getting into it. Then I did prenatal yoga to prepare for childbirth and I truly believe it did wonders for me. I've started Mommy and Baby yoga, and it's the absolute highlight of my week. I don't think I have the stuff for full-blown yoga, but I love the mind-body connection and breathing and the social aspect of the pre- and post-natal classes.

  9. Margie – You should definitely get back into it! Shiva Rea has some good DVDs if you can't make it out to a studio.

    Kelly - P90X yoga is probably the HARDEST workout of P90X! And it's actually pretty legit.

    Francine – I wasn't trying to be all "I did this before it was cool" about it – just sharing my experience. I think yoga is amazing and am glad to see it go mainstream. The more the merrier.

    Charli - I think Ashtanga feels like home. There are a few specific Vinyasa teachers I love that aren't Ashtangis.

    Melinda - I love Ashtanga. The sequencing just makes so much sense to me. It's pretty much the same thing every time which really allows you to see how your practice changes from day to day.

    Andreina – I'm so glad to hear you've been practicing and love it! Keep breathing. XO

  10. Sarah - I feel like I should clarify on my YMCA comment that I've had some bad yoga teacher experiences even at studios too! So on the flip side I'm sure there are some great classes at YMCAs too.

    I think it's so cool that you're going through teacher training! I've heard it's such an amazing process.

  11. When I started yoga it was similar in that I came from a dance background, so I was super bendy too and could make everything look great. Plus I loved the near-mathematical sense that it made. I was immediately all, "SWEET! I ROCK at yoga!" Did a teacher training... and learned that the very first thing I needed to do was actually become *less* flexible! (What do you mean, I'm supposed to use my muscles instead of just be bendy?!) That totally blew my mind. And after 8 years I am still learning. And I am loving watch the Okie yoga community grow and change.

  12. I've been doing yoga off and on since I graduated college, but never really felt connected to it. Going was a love-hate relationship. In exploring a few different life changes in the last year, I've grown to appreciate it more and look forward to going. However, it wasn't until this month that I TRULY felt a connection in my practice. I serendipitously found this AMAZING yoga teacher who teaches bhakti yoga. At the beginning of each class we do a beautiful call and response while she plays the harmonium, we then have a vinyasa style class and at the end while we are in savasana, she sings to us and plays the harmonium again. I'm not usually one for such things- i felt an instant connection the first time i heard her sing and heard the rest of the class respond in unison- the song vibrating through the room and filling my heart. I'm addicted now.

  13. I always wanted to take yoga lessons but never did because I had a million excuses -- too expensive, I wouldn't be good at it, I'm too shy and insecure, blah blah -- and then finally a couple months ago I began! I'm a teacher and our school's principal organized a weekly yoga class for any teachers who were interested. I put my insecurities aside and signed up! And I think I'm falling in love :)

  14. I had practiced yoga on and off for awhile but never consistently so when I needed a fitness class as a graduation requirement, I enrolled in a yoga class at school this semester. It made a huge difference in my mental state (also, my butt) and I definitely noticed its absence when I got injured (unrelated haha). I've been walking again unassisted for about two weeks now and have gotten back into it via workouts on Comcast on demand. It's a great way to start the day (and, um, my BUTT). Shiva Rea bugs me though I can't put my finger on why.

  15. Oh, yeah- no worries! For the non-practitioners out there, I just wanted to offer further proof that the teacher makes all the difference. It can be so frustrating to get all hopeful about class and then have a womp-womp of a teacher. Local recommendations are a great help.

    I'm just trying to keep my head down and work through the summer, because I'm ready for September to just be. here. already. Which is so unusual.

  16. I first did yoga when I was 18, but it wasn't until a few years later when I found a teacher who also taught me the breath, body, mind connection that I fell in love with it. This was during a bad breakup, and during the relaxation at the end of class she asked us to visualize our hearts. I saw mine as a shriveled, blackened rose (this sounds maudlin, but it gets better!). After practicing yoga with her for months, I started seeing it as a gently blooming flower instead. That ultimate peace I felt from yoga made me feel invincible. I try to do yoga every morning, as it energizes me and calms me at the same time. For me yoga was always about this holistic integration, and not just the physical aspect (which I also enjoy, because I love stretching!).

  17. P.S. Forgot to say that I totally use yoga breathing in daily situations-like going to the OB/GYN! TMI?

  18. I've practiced on and off for the last decade, but didn't really dedicate myself to my practice until a few years ago. I discovered M+ studio and the Ashtanga primary series when I was living in OKC and finally "got" it. When we moved to Tulsa, I struggled to find my yoga home here, until a new studio opened just a few months ago and am now back in that honeymoon phase with it.

    For me, it's so much about the studio/teacher - I think it's my ADD speaking, but I can't get the same mind/body/breath connection when I practice at home. I thrive on the energy of the teacher and the people I'm practicing with.

  19. Wow. This post just made me realize, on my next birthday I will have been practicing off and on for half my life! I do Ashtanga too, in fact I think it's Andrew that says all you need for a daily practice are sun salutes? I love how it makes me feel. Here's to all forms of practice :)

  20. Are you guys doing okay out in Oklahoma? We are all glued to the TV here in Detroit! Praying for your state! Just so heartbreaking!

  21. I've been practising Bikram yoga for 2 years. I have not tried any other forms of yoga. Before I began, I was extremely unsporty! I just did not enjoy any form of exercise, although I tried really hard to get into running. I immediately was into bikram yoga because the hot room levels the playing field for everyone - it doesn't matter if you're fit or not, it's hard. So I didn't feel disadvantaged, like I normally did when attempting fitness. Over the past two years I've changed so much towards the positive in terms of my health and wellbeing that I don't see myself ever giving it up. I even competed in my first yoga championship last year!

    I love the "vintage" photo of you by the way!

    xx Michelle

    p.s. I'm a first time commenter - hi! And keep up the good work ^_^

  22. Yoga is the only 'activity' I've found and maintained over my adult life! I love the variety that can be found (in teachers and styles)and I think it's important to mix it up regularly, but, it is absolutely important to find the teachers and classes that truly resonate with your body and soul - such a difference! Hatha and yin variations seem to be the ones that I keep coming back to...

    I've started building yoga into my vacations; my two favorite Milagro Retreats (yoga/surf - Tofino BC Canada) and (yoga on a sailboat in turkey). so awesome.

  23. I just tried Ashtanga yoga with Andrew a couple weeks ago for the first time!

    Yikes, I was definitely in over my head. I need to do some more stretching before my next session... but I'm hoping to build up the courage to actually go again...soon... we'll see.

    P.S. Andrew is great.


  24. Thinking about you guys and sending love to you, your families, & your state. Hope everything is ok.

  25. I wanna learn yoga too but scare I can't keep it up!
